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Find the right eco-friendly sustainable solution

Working with us

Engage new customers and markets with sustainable label and packaging initiatives

Brands have never been under more pressure to be good stewards of the environment. And it’s coming from all directions: Retailers, NGOs, investors, competitors, consumers and employees. Our team will work with yours to push your sustainable packaging initiative off the starting blocks — turning your questions into statements and your goals into action. And sustainability consultations are complimentary.

Some brands have clearly documented, company-wide environmental, economic and social standards and pledges. All they want is for us to transform written goals into a reality, and we’re happy to oblige. Other brands are, more or less, starting from scratch. If that’s the case, we’re well-equipped to draw the map for you — bringing a menu of solutions to your team to spark a discussion and start your brand on the right path.

sustainable portfolio

Our sustainable and eco-friendly product portfolio

However far along your brand is in answering the call of sustainability, one thing is clear: It’s your labels and packaging — not a 17-page mission statement — that consumers will either put in their cart or leave on the shelf. Increasingly, these point-of-purchase decisions are being swayed by eco-friendly packaging.

Labels made with responsibly sourced materials

Choose a label material that comes from a renewable source.

Responsibly sourced materials are made from renewable resources and are often certified by an independent third party. For example, facestocks bearing the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) stamp of approval would fall neatly under this category.

Once you understand your goals, we’ll leverage our expertise, and extensive knowledge of the label material landscape, to align the right solutions to meet them.

Recycle-friendly labels

We have materials designed to enhance the recyclability of your polyethylene terephthalate (PET) container at material recycling facilities (MRFs).

Recycle-friendly label materials are engineered to support recycling of the associated container (bottle) and enable improved recovery and recycling through established recycling processes. Label material options have been created to ensure the label does not interfere with recycling of the bottle and play a key role in ensuring that the quality of recycled plastics is maintained.

We’ve consulted with brands that are fluent in all things sustainable, and those that are still picking up on the basics and exploring recycle-friendly options. No matter where you fall in that spectrum, we will work with you to breathe life into your sustainability vision.

Read the Zing Zang® case study for an example of a brand switching to recycle-friendly labels.

Compostable labels

We have label materials that biodegrade in industrial composting facilities.

Compostable labels are designed to break down, along with all other components in your package, in an industrial composting facility. Availability and use of industrial composting, and collection of compostable materials is in the early stages.

In many cases composting is only available in selected areas, and specific requirements exist to ensure materials are properly composted. We’ll help you understand the details and decide whether these options are right for your products.

Thin, lightweight labels

Lightweight labels use less material and, because they weigh less, require less gas during shipping.

Lightweight, or thin, labels are designed to use much less material than conventional labels. These materials promise a much smaller carbon footprint: Because thinner labels are lighter, less gas is consumed when shipping them.

We will work with you on how light you can go, as you’ll still need a label that will withstand wear and tear during shipping and product use.

Labels with post-consumer recycled (PCR) material content

Access a full portfolio of label materials made with recycled paper, plastic, grapes, cotton and other materials.

PCR materials include some established minimum amount of post-consumer waste (consumer waste that is diverted from the landfill stream and recycled). Additionally, it doesn’t just have to be paper or plastic. Some specialized recycled label materials can be made from materials recovered from cotton, grapes, barley and other natural materials.

Schedule a consultation to begin discussing what your brand needs to gain momentum in your sustainable packaging initiative.

sustainable efforts

Creating a more sustainable future

Coast to coast, Resource Label Group is committed to:


Our total carbon emissions and waste sent to landfills


Sustainable product offerings


Staff and customers on sustainable solutions, applications and benefits


Opportunities for customers to cost-effectively switch to more sustainable material alternatives


For more sustainable practices and processes — learn more about our efforts

Free Guide

The Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Labels & Packaging

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Explore markets

As a national partner with a local presence, we understand the nuances of your market. Explore more resources specific to your industry.